Mission Statement
The purpose of the OLGC Sports Association (OLGCSA) is to promote interest in and growth of a variety of youth sports for children as part of the Our Lady of Good Counsel parish. OLGCSA supports a fun and positive atmosphere where fair play, building individual and team skills, positive reinforcement, and sportsmanship are as important as winning.
It is the obligation of coaches, players, parents, referees and spectators to practice the highest principles of good sportsmanship and to adhere to the ethics of friendly competition during all youth sporting events. Good sportsmanship is defined as behavior which displays courtesy and genuine concern for others. Negative or threatening comments from coaches, players, parents, referees or spectators will not be tolerated at any OLGCSA sporting event. This includes practices, scrimmages, games, or any other event sponsored by the OLGCSA. Problems should be brought to the attention of the Coordinator of the sport so that they may be addressed by OLGCSA.
Coach Responsiblities
The coach must be aware that he or she may be either a positive or negative influence on the development of the athlete and the atmosphere of the game. In all of the coach's contacts with players, officials, parents and the public, the coach must strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct. Coaches must treat officials with respect; play all players fairly; take control of his or her fans when they become unruly; and always demonstrate a positive attitude. Remember that players and fans are always watching and will emulate the coach's actions.
NOTE: Any coaches who violate the above rules will:
• be given a warning, or
• be suspended for a game, or
• be suspended for the season, or
• be denied a coaching position in the future.
Parent Responsibilities
Make a commitment to your child's coach and team. OLGCSA does not discourage players from participating in other activities. However, if the child wants to be a true team member, both parents and child should make the effort to be at all practices and games. Support your child and team with positive cheers and praise. Never shout derogatory comments at referees, coaches, players or other spectators.
Never criticize or second guess coaches or officials during games. Support your coaches and officials--remember that the coaches are all volunteers and the league has a difficult time finding people willing to take on these positions. The officials are part timers who are not paid extremely well. They are trying to do the best job they can. You are welcome to volunteer for one of these positions if you are not satisfied with the performance of others.
Understand that our programs are not specifically designed for individual training, but to teach teamwork, sportsmanship and to enhance all players' skills.
Understand that OLGCSA emphasizes team play and sportsmanship above winning.
Teams participating in varying divisions will have differing emphasis in their objectives. Teams playing in “A” level divisions are more competitive, and geared more toward players trying to play at the highest levels of CYO sports on Staten Island. Parents and players should recognize that playing time in A Division games will be allocated more on player commitment, attitude, and skill level. Not every player will see equal playing time. “B” and “C” division players and parents can count on a more equitable distribution of playing time. However, even at this level, a player's commitment to showing up on time to practice and games, to paying attention and not being disruptive to others, and ability to implement team concepts, will factor into actual minutes played in games. Ultimately, we trust our coaches to balance both the need for appropriate distribution of playing time along with the competitive nature of any sporting event, at any level.
If you have a problem with your coach, try to resolve it privately rather than through a public confrontation. If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of your discussion, contact the OLGCSA Coordinator of that sport or the OLGCSA President with your concerns. Never approach an official or coach with negative comments immediately following a game. This will only cause a confrontation. Wait at least 2 full days before registering any complaint or criticism. Let cooler heads prevail. If you have a formal complaint, document it in writing and bring it to your coach or Coordinator at that later time.
Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, profanity, threats or physical violence will not be tolerated at practices, games or other OLGCSA functions.
NOTE: Any parents or fans who violate the above rules will:
• be notified that their actions will not be tolerated, or
• be asked to leave the OLGCSA event, or
• be suspended for a game, the season, or indefinitely
Anthony Pizzo
President & Board Member
Daniella Riccobono
Vice President & Board Member
Rob Kasegrande
Treasurer & Board Member
Alexandra Breen
Cheerleading Director